Latest Update


a. The Department has Proposed to complete the construction of four floating jetties in the Mandovi and Chapora river. One floating concrete jetty at Panaji in Mandovi completed and commissioned, other three jetties expected to be completed by the end of the financial year, Dredging around the sites are in progress to enable placing of Floating Jetties on arrival.

b. The department has commenced the construction of new terminal building on its COP Jetty. This building proposes to house all stake holders of the shipping industries, such as GBOA, GMOEA, vessels operators etc. in addition to full fledge administrative block of the Department.

c. Desilting of river Sal of the 1st Phase of phase II of 6 Kms from Telaulim-Varca new bridge downstream upto shatmalley, so as to facilitate free movement of the passenger boats. Tendering process is completed and the file is sent to finance for approval of lowest bidder.

d. Intends to undertake Dredging at the mouth of River Galgibag and at the mouth of river Talpona within an area of 7.00 metres in length, 50.0 metres wide and 3.0 metres depth. EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) study completed. On issue of NOC from GCZMA, the department will initiate tendering process for the above two projects.

e. The Department has Proposed to take up demolition of old existing structure and reconstruction of lighthouse at Campal for proper navigational purpose. Plan for new construction of lighthouse at Campal under preparation with PWD architects and the work will carried out subject to expenditure sanction by the finance.

f. Department has undertaken Development of Maritime School on BOOT Model at Britona is under process. Consultant is coordinating with Department and PPP cell for formulating the request for proposal and concession agreement.


Through Government of India undertaking, under sagarmala Scheme this Department Proposed to take up modernization of nine existing jetties under Sagarmala Programme of Government of India at Aldona, Ribandar, Old Goa and Pilgao in the River Mandovi, Banastarim in Kumbharjua Canal and Rassaim, Durbhat, Shiroda and Savordem in River Zuari.

DPR (Detailed project report) and EIA (Environmental Impact assessment) study completed. Presently awaiting public hearings before obtaining NOC clearance from other Departments like GCZMA, TCP and Panchayats.

Captain Of Ports Department
Govt of Goa
Dayanand Bandodkar Road,
Panjim, Goa 403001
Ph: 0832-2426109 / 0832-2225070  Fax: 2421483
Shipping No: 2420580/2420579 Fax:2420582
Shipping e-mail : isps-captainofports[at]


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  • Last Modified: Thursday 13 March 2025, 06:06:52.